
SA’AT : Les Heures

a nomad’s ongoing polyptych
oil and pigments on 1000s
of wooden panels painted
in the Persian mosaic tradition while roaming
around the world…

an installation in progress consisting
of 40 sections, 

each section is made of 108 pieces

The sky too has its changes, but they are less marked than those of the vegetation and the river. Clouds map it up at times, but it is normally a dome of blending tints, and the main tint blue…

The sky settles everything – not only climates and seasons, but when the earth shall be beautiful. By herself she can do little – only feeble outbursts of flowers… The sky can do this because it is so strong and so enormous. Strength comes from the sun, infused in it daily, size from the prostrate earth.

A Passage To India
E. M. Forster

SA’AT : Les Heures

polyptych in progress
Oil and pigments on wooden panels

Only You 
Oil on canvas 

Chorro chor

triptych, oil and pigments on canvas

Chorro chor

Oil and pigments on canvas

Naft: l’Age de l’Or Noir

Oil and pigments on canvas


Est celui du pétrole, du plastique, de la publicité, du profit à tout prix, de la pollution, de la politique de déstabilisation, du panem et circenses, de la particularité ethnique, de la prévarication des démocrates, de la pègre mondialisée, des phrénopathies, du plagia, des pirates internautes, de la puce informatique, de la parodie et du parasitisme culturels, de la pornographie et de la pudibonderie, des prouesses techniques et de la philosophie oubliée.

Alaleh Alamir, 2000

In the River

Oil and pigments on canvas

Life is a River

Oil and pigments on canvas

SA’AT : Les Heures

a nomad’s ongoing polyptych
oil and pigments on 1000s of wooden panels painted
in the Persian mosaic tradition while roaming around the world…
an installation in progress consisting of 40 sections, 
each section is made of 108 pieces 

The sky too has its changes, but they are less marked than those of the vegetation and the river. Clouds map it up at times, but it is normally a dome of blending tints, and the main tint blue…

The sky settles everything – not only climates and seasons, but when the earth shall be beautiful. By herself she can do little – only feeble outbursts of flowers… The sky can do this because it is so strong and so enormous. Strength comes from the sun, infused in it daily, size from the prostrate earth.

A Passage To India
E. M. Forster

SA’AT : Les Heures

polyptych in progress
Oil and pigments on wooden panels

Only You 
Oil on canvas 

Chorro chor
triptych, oil and pigments on canvas

Chorro chor

Oil and pigments on canvas

Naft: l’Age de l’Or Noir

Oil and pigments on canvas

Est celui du pétrole, du plastique, de la publicité, du profit à tout prix, de la pollution, de la politique de déstabilisation, du panem et circenses, de la particularité ethnique, de la prévarication des démocrates, de la pègre mondialisée, des phrénopathies, du plagia, des pirates internautes, de la puce informatique, de la parodie et du parasitisme culturels, de la pornographie et de la pudibonderie, des prouesses techniques et de la philosophie oubliée.

Alaleh Alamir, 2000

In the River

Oil and pigments on canvas

Life is a River

Oil and pigments on canvas